Here are the important dates:
- TMN will go offline on September 7th
at 18:00 TMN time (GMT+2*), 17:00 in the UK (GMT+1*)
- The new round will start on September
8th at 18:00 TMN time (GMT+2*), 17:00 in the UK (GMT+1*)
- There will be no pre-registration; when
the countdown reaches 00:00 you can create your account
- Properties will be dropped on September
10th or 11th (when the economy reaches 400mil and the game houses 25 hitmen+)
- Property pickup fees will be like last
round; 35mil for a BF, 15mil for a BJ, 5mil for other casinos (these may be
changed later in the round)
- Minimum and maximum bullet prices will be
like last round, and may be changed during the round as well
- A percentage of purchased credits will be
returned on September 22nd or 23rd, more info on that will be provided later on
Some changes:
- Rankup Requirements; no more scripting to
legend using crimes or GTAs or jail, but OCs, DTMs, Killing, Traveling are also
- A new kind of scripttest; easier to
complete than (re)captchas, harder to bypass using a script - wait and see!
- Cheaper credits in the credits store;
roughly 35% more credits for the same amount of money!
- No more 10% bullets loss in the Artillery
Of course there will be some more changes,
but you’ll have to find these yourself during the round. We hope to see you
*: Note that we are currently in Daylight
Saving Time.
Kinda miss this game..
Damn I miss this game as well
Make an app of this... Play storeeeeee
It’s coming back. Check out the discord
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